It was about a week ago, maybe longer, that I boarded a plane bound for our fair capital. I was fittin to see my man, stalk my president's chief of staff and see why one would care to reside in the district.
I've visited D.C. before. A number of times. I am intimately familiar with the Fung Wah bus, in all its shapes, sizes and names. While living in NYC my lovely friend and I would hussle out of our 'assistant' titled jobs and catch a late-night Friday bus armed with half a dozen magazines and wine to tide us over. I was always happy to go but it was never for the city. You see, I have these hilarious and entertaining friends and whenever we would get together it was all about us. It wasn't the city. Though sustenance and imbibing was involved, and fairly high on our list of priorities, sight seeing and such was not.
So I never knew the district. Never cared too. Maybe it was one too many nights in some cave in Adams Morgan surrounded by a Kahki Brigade of recent graduates. That's possible.
But this trip was a little bit different. For one, R was involved. And I have realized, quite pleasantly, that together we are lazy adventurers. Hard to do, I know. We balance just enough exploration, chance and couch time to feel like we did something, saw some stuff and ate a little tasty bite.
The city looked a little better this time around.
There were some enticing curves
Clever colors
Good friends
and a certain...I don't know what.
I never did see that certain chief of staff but I'm pretty sure he felt my presence and is now searching for me all over the city, desperate to offer me a job, guided by only a ball point pen I accidentally left while taking fake photos in the press room.
Next up: London. Well, I'm getting ahead of myself, but it's a comin. Still have a month in Chicago. But those months come fast and furious and it's all slipping a little too quickly. I dig this city. I will be sad to see it and its central time go.