Friday, February 12, 2010

Supermouse, the end is near

The house smells like a candy cane. It's sickly sweet and minty. I can barely enter the house yet SOMEHOW this mouse of ours has made himself veeeeeery comfortable. Very comfortable indeed.

Last night I packed my lunch in preparation for an early departure. Nothing flashy, in fact it involved a can o soup. But, as always, there was a bag of goodies - nuts, raisins, pretzels. Well it seems my furry friend betrayed me, he went behind my back, nibbled his way into my zip lock bag and ATE my SNACKS.

The worst? He at the best part of the mix - The peanut butter pretzels!!

Fuzzy turncoat.

I tried to help you little guy. But I'm afraid I can no longer stand in the way of whatever R has in store. I'll tell you this, it won't smell like candy cane.


p.s. I'm suuuuper behind on the blog and round ups but there's one coming after the weekend. Get excited.

p.p.s I should throw out that bag, right? I shouldn't eat his leftovers? [sad face]

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