Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hubba Bubba whose got Obama

Wa La.

It so happened here last night.

And I was in the thick of it. Throwing elbows. Getting quotes. Anxiously awaiting how voters decided on the Constitutional Convention.


No? That's not what all....the, uh, fuss was about?

So, we had to cover something last night, right? Well, being a wee J student I couldn't just cover THE election. So I dropped things down a few notches and went to a bar where pro con-coners were watching the returns. About 40 pairs of eyes were on the half a dozen television screens scattered throughout the down-homey bar. Maybe 3 sets of eyes were on a computer screen in the corner watching the local returns fail the option to open a constitutional convention.

I know you're riveted. But the con con people were great. The had mini hot dogs, chicken wings, bacon quesadillas - all of my favorite foods. By 10:00 p.m. I was in their offices, aptly positioned above the bar, pushing send in my email to get my story into my editors when I hear a scream from the street:
"YEEEAAAAHHHHHhhhhhh OOOOOooooobaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

I ran down the three flights of stairs and back into the bar to find that he had won! Not actually knowing anyone at the bar/party I stood around grinning like an idiot until I was knowingly passed a glass of campaign and brought back into the real world.

So, yes, I wish that I could've been down amongst the excitement and chaos but I hung with a good crowd and even indulged in some celebratory refreshments.

I almost covered the young GOP election night party and, boy, and I glad I didn't.

The city had goose bumps. The energy was fantastic. And as it turns out there were no hiccups or scratches even.

Except that someone totally stole my Chicago Sun-Times this morning. I was all sweat pants and unsupported boobs, bounding down the stairs to bask in the inky glow of the next-day election paper to find none at all.

I'd blame a McCain supporter, but I dug his speech last night. So I look to the independents - adrift, leaderless - they're like orphaned children. Hopefully they learned something from it.

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