And then my calf ripped in half.
Dramatic? OK, yes, a bit. But I'm beyond frustrated. I've made it 10 weeks into my training, was about to jump up to 18 and then 20 miles and then this happened. Whatever it is.
It started off as a soreness. I was scheduled to have a massage and I mentioned it to the masseuse who worked on it. Then a three day down pour arrived and I was stuck running on a treadmill and within a mile it popped. I stopped and finished up some exercise on an elliptical (probably not the best idea) and then took a few days off.
I skipped my next long run (10 miles) and tried jogging at a toddlers pace on Sunday and, again, with in a mile - Pop.
So, here we are: Five weeks out until the marathon. My longest run was 16 miles and I'm losing any sort of fitness with every passing week. Not to sound like a whiner but what the crappity crap?!
I mean, have you SEEN my calves? If nothing else these puppies were made for running, that or Glatiatoring if it were a different era.
Just when I was hitting my stride.
Just when I ran more than I've ever run before.
Just when that magical anti-chafe glide stuff entered my life!
I've obviously wallowed a little bit and I might be continuing down that road.
But today I made an appointment to see a massage therapist, which, according to all the online forums and even the trainer I accosted at the gym suggested, is the first step. I'm hoping this guy can asses the damage, give me some sort of recovery regiment and then tell me I'll be good to go in a week. Wishful thinking? Definitely.
At this point I just want to complete the dumb thing and not be keeling over in some sort of pain afterward. I hope that's not too far fetched of a goal.
Just so I'm not ending on such a sour note, the hiatus hasn't been all bad. For one, it allowed me time to move. For two, it's been hot as balls outside (I think that's a technical term, hopefully I'm using it right) and running in this would have definitely been detrimental to my health. And maybe by the time I can strap back on my running shoes I will be so excited to be able to run that the adrenaline alone will get me through the mileage.
ho hum.
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