Thursday, March 19, 2009

Half time

Well, two down and two to go. As of yesterday I am done with my second quarter of graduate school! Seem fast? That's what happens when grad school is squished down to a year. It's genius, really, if it weren't for this retched economy. Luckily, I'm still only half way through so I don't technically have to succumb to those depressing realities.

In other news. I'd like to take this half-time opportunity to thank those items that traveled hundreds of miles and across a whole time zone only to site idly on my Chicago shelves.

1) Iron. Oh iron. Why ever I thought you would be necessary, I don't know. You looked so adult and professional sitting there in my New York apartment. I even haggled for you with R and won. Only to put you on a nearly unreachable shelf in my random closet. No offense, but you're not even that special. You were bought on a desperate pre-interview whim on sale at Duane Reade. But, nonetheless, here you are. Giving my wrinkled shirts the stink eye. But they're just cotton and those creases are kinda cute, so far as I'm concerned. But there could be hope for us yet. Spring is around the corner and I hear linen might be a must.

2)DVD player. It was a rough drive for you. We nearly forgot you that sunny day back in September but I ran in and found you, shadowed by a nearby discarded box. I squeeze you into a crevice in the back. You sacrificed a button for that ride but proved you could work with out it. You were just a delight during my darker non-cable days - playing early episodes of 90210, even repeating them for me when you wanted to move on to the artsy film recently delivered by Netflix. Then cable came with a big-footed greasy-fingered cable man who worked like a ninja behind the TV to make the cable wires fit where they may. Pulling out some and inserting others. Metal pieces flung like confetti and before we knew it was gone and, so were you. That cable man gave me instant gratification - the food network, TLC and the occasional prime time something rather. Months passed before I thought to try you out again, but by that time it was too late. I don't know what the cable man did back there but you've grow impotent and dusty and what can I do but warm myself by the glow of another episode of John and Kate plus 8?

Speaking of which...3) Netflix. Oh netflix account. You encouraged me with ease and lower prices to continue service when I moved out to Chicago. Just $6.99 you said and I agreed. And the queue was entertaining and overwhelming but it was mine...all mine. I quickly deleted R's selections (the divide was obvious: go (History Channel and PBS documentaries, i.e. The Nazis) and stay (Made of Honor)) and built a list of entertainment I would never get through. Now, without faithful DVD player, what use are you to me? The artsy foreign flick I chose ever so randomly is still sitting, unopened, atop DVD player. The postage date glares: Jan. 3 2009. Yet every month you take out that $6.99 and I just turn my head. Just when I think I've had enough you coax me back in with the allure of instant movies that I can watch on my computer. Alright, I say once more, you can stay. Three months have come and gone and I still haven't opened artsy flick nor have I watched a movie instantly, like you promised. Why is it so hard to let you go? Perhaps things will change over the spring. As warm weather draws people out of their caves, will I be tempted to stay in and watch the next vaguely review Judd Apatow movie?

Thank you hapless items. I hope to reap the fruits of your general existence...sometime soon. Until then, I'm blowing this Popsicle stand to hang with R in Boston!

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