Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Round up

This webby week:

to check out:
I have found a new You Tube swoon and he/she/it is named Thorn2200. Thorn has combined my love of the British comedian Eddie Izzard with my nostalgic want for playmobile. The result? Little plastic people with English accents, or, hilariousness.

Let's see there's Death Star Canteen:

James Bond:

And loads more. Thorn also has boat-fulls of other videos that appear to have humans in them, but I can't vouch for those pups since I only watch musicals or inanimate objects being animate.
If you're not familiar with Eddie Izzard, well, that's lame and get on it already.

In other video news: someone clever made something awesome:

Flight patterns - Long exposures of bugs under a street light by Charlie McCarthy. Via Monoscope. Man, Vimeo is pretty, right?

to read: Young, female Newsweek writers get down to business and take a good hard look at gender equality in their workplace. This editorial honors a 40-year-old gender-discrimination case started by Newsweek employees back in the day. This is personal-meets-historic journalism and thoughtful to boot. Yes, depressing, since there is (shocker) still inequality among working men and women. Though I'll take some lower-pay, inequality and hey, even a little sexism, if I could just get a workplace. THEN I'll show 'em what I've got (in passive aggressive venting ways).

Speaking of ladies, this kid-o is cra-azy: rowing her way across the ocean in little more than a glorified banana peel A-LONE?! Kids these days are full of extremes. On the one hand they're obese, sleep-deprived computer addicts with only virtual friends. On the other they are young, ridiculously adventuresome death seekers. What gives? No, I couldn't paddle my way around the world when I was 22, I was too busy working out my tooth enamel resistance to jugs of carlo rassi.

to procrastinate:
web design ledger is always good for losing chunks of time, but their recent post of 30 laugh out loud ads was the clincher.
This Olympus ad for a zoom lens definitely followed through on the headline's promise:

and to cuddle:

this cuddletastic brought to you by daily puppy.

Get in my lap.


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