Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nights like these

This wasn't supposed to be epic, but I now have my very own Internet connection.

Yes. It's only taken three weeks

You just wouldn't believe the relationship that has evolved between my router people, my modem people and me. At one point the router guy tried to conference in the modem guy, which obviously would have been a blast but, alas, router was in India and modem (in an attempt to escape confrontation) only gave me a local number.

So - this week has been FORever and a day. We had a report due today and though I'm well past the all-nighter faze I did stay up way past my bedtime and then fretted the dark hours that followed. But, all for not. We presented a mean report on the neighborhood of Bucktown.

In case we thought that work load was the worst of it we were reminded quite promptly after the last power point slide faded that this was, technically, just the beginning.

Now I'm to think about 'beats' that I want to cover and encouraged to think outside of the box. I have tended toward the arts, but I agree that it would be boring to just slide down that path. Where does that leave me?

Could I be a reporter on the police beat? Tracking crime and public safety?
What about business, keeping watch over the greater economic crisis and it's trickle down effect on our little neighborhoods? I swear if my turn my head, tilt my chin and squint, my profile resembles that of a hard news girl.

With the report done and a night without assignments (note: I did not say homework...there is always something to be done) I celebrated with a mini bottle of wine, pink leopard slippers from TJ Maxx and a little something called Project Runway.

Hard to imagine there was a time when I could just sit and veg every night, but no time to dwell. New life, new rules. But luckily there are things like little bottles of wine to celebrate the unexpected.

1 comment:

Pam said...

I love it, I'm an admitted voyeur in your life. Keep it coming