Monday, October 27, 2008

New roomie

Yes, but not the cute kind. In fact this one is CREEP City.

He's got about a million legs and is making circles around my bedroom ceiling.


He arrived, totally unannounced, Sunday. Just crawled right through some unknown crevice and made himself quite at home - feeling out the different rooms to figure which one suits him best.

He has SO many legs there is just no way that I will sleep soundly. I mean he moves faster than my eyes can follow.

So, like an adult, I moved my bed to the center of the room where I will lay, cuddled against the creepy-crawly-roommate who won't take a hint.

He's too big to kill!

I'd take a photo but it's too gross. But trust me he looks like your worst nightmare with more legs. Ew again.

We have to agree to disagree. I don't want him here, he clearly wants to hang out for a bit. Alright. Alright. I won't kill him if he doesn't, say, crawl on my face, or, better yet, anywhere near me.

Sincerely - marooned and mopey -L

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That alien bug sounds horrible and we all know that our Fam is sackless when it comes to creepy crawlers. I've caught up on your blogs and you are as usual hilarious. Keep it up, see you in Chi town soon. I'm going to NYCity for Halloween as Goose (Topgun) and will say hi for you.