Friday, September 26, 2008

Bringing back the pack


The first week of school is...done. It was a swirl of anxiety and excitement. The great number of professors that spoke to us over the course of the first five days made a point of turning up the panic -- emphasizing the amount of work we will have to complete in the impossibly small amount of time we will have. Occasionally these experienced, hard working (bad ass) journalists and teachers would look me directly in the eye (me and everyone else in the audience), scale down the arch in their brow and say, "don't worry, you'll be fine."

And then they are gone, taking my security blanket with them. Not that it was all that secure. I'll be fine? Fine is really just barely getting by. Just slightly over average. I'll be 51 percent? What about great, fabulous, successful and, above all, thankful that I chose this profession?

I'm sure that's something we'll cover next week.

I am, as I mentioned, one of the older(est) students in my class of 61. I don't, in my heart, think that matters. I like to think that my experience in the work place will help me. I can speak to people - strangers, even. I can pick up a phone and chat with most anyone, though I may be sweating through my shirt.

Not that this added umph to my swagger, but I was getting by. Today this conversation occurred:

"When did you graduate?"
"Oh, ages ago," I say with sarcasm
"Oh-TWO?!" at which point she actually laughed. Laughed! Was it all that long ago? I guess it was. While this girl (woman, as I learned through the AP Style book) was getting her driver's permit I was moving to New York for my first job. eek.

It's surreal to be here, that's for sure. But I must be better off with week one done rather than day one (I was delirious). I think if I can get all of my work done this week in preparation for Monday I will truly feel like a champ.

What's amazing though, is the amount of stuff we have to carry back and forth. I wish I had brought an old-lady-cart from NY. Better yet, I'm thinking about getting myself a backpack. That's right. It might also help my I'm-so-not-as-old-as-you-think-look that I'm now going for.

It's Friday and the debs (debates) are on. Look at me getting my journalistic fix (while flipping to 'What Not to Wear' on the commercials...are there any commercials?).

More soon...enough



Pam said...

Oh to be so young and to think your old. No I don't have any desire to step back, but 28 yrs old. You have to be kidding. good night, glad to see you made it through the first week, even if a little worn out.

Your still the best in my eyes, withered and as old as you are. Love, m

BSA said...

get a locker. might have been the best thing i did in graduate school. and you'll show those yunguns yet! hope to see you and R soon.


Anonymous said...

like all things, age is relative. experience is not. i'm finding the recent grads have very little to add to class debates, having never applied skills in the real world. six years of work experience in the hardest-working city in the world should be a point of pride. show off your battle scars, woman.
