If I could move my arms I would have done a little happy jig.
Yesterday was impressive; on the go from start to finish. But this is no surprise when you are working with my Mom. This woman will not pause to walk across a highway. We traversed this unknown city to get a kitchen table and four chairs from a craigslist seller. We mulled, talked them down, purchased and after dumping the gawky set at my third-floor apartment we quickly set back out for more craigslist treasures. We found a girl with a couch and it was lovely and fit like a glove in the trusty car. But dear god the accolades to the couch moving came to a screeching halt. How the hell were we going to get it up the stairs. The answer came in my new unassuming neighbor, John, who was in the unfortunate position of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sitting with his new puppy bulldog in his yard, I accosted him to help us bring this mountain of a couch up three whole flights. But he acquiesced and it was, after 20 minutes, a success. So for that I cannot move my arms or really turn around without preparation.
But. I have an apartment with furniture! Once I get figure out the IKEA* organic-chemistry-equivalent directions I will have real-looking rooms with functional pieces.
It will be glorious.
I nearly forgot the photo montage from The Ladies Road Trip.
Here we are starting off; bright-eyed and relaxed:
Pammy in front of the restaurant we would dine at in Cleveland (importance? The name of the restaurant will be the name of the new pup!):
Lois leaving Joe's Deli, where we had the best Reuben. She's strolling with satisfaction.
*I will spare you from the details from that trip, which was done post couch, as anyone who has made the pilgrimage to the blue and white knows the harrowing nature of such a venture. I've blocked it out anyhow.
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