I have a coffee table and just today picked up a craigslist desk chair. I had to look in my neighborhood, as I would be carrying it home, and was lucky enough to find something less hideous than normal in my general neighborhood. Singing my sorry traveling song to the girl who owned it, I was able to scrape $5 off the price, but a long road remained ahead.
Ok. It wasn't that bad. The chair has wheels, which was great as I was carrying a garbage bag full of unwanted clothes that fit nicely in the cushioned seat (I tried to sell some stuff that I was sick-and-tired of and it turns out that the used clothes store couldn't be bothered either). Along my eight-block journey home I happened to pass a homeless man pushing, in the same manner, a grocery cart filled with similar looking garbage bags. I half smiled, to which he responded, "now I've seen everything."
I don't even know what that means, but I'll just assume it was incredibly positive and not foreboding.
This morning I made my first trip up to school to get my books and see how my commute will be. The commute is, well, long. But going to school was lovely. It's so funny to be back on campus. The undergrads were just starting to move in and though I gravitated to them - what with all the helpful mentors with orange shirts ("I'm Here For You!") that would buzz around them with the slightest furrow of the brow - I puffed up my chest and found my own, albeit meandering, way.
My goodness the campus is gorgeous. It is on a beach!
The buildings are terribly collegiate and welcoming - here's where I will be spending my time when I am in Evanston (the building behind the trees...I realize you really can't see it)
I got grossly turned around, but would find myself in front of something like this:
I'm getting first-day-of-school jitters, but I think they're the good kind.
Now, what on earth am I going to wear?
1 comment:
lauren! i am being fairly creepy and reading your blog, but i love the story about the homeless dude with the garbage. it reminds me of the man on the 6 train last night who was vaguely hitting on me while also complimenting me on my planner (which i was looking at). oh, urban life.
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